WMA courses at Outward Bound Belgium 2025
Wilderness Advanced First Aid: 29 November - 2 December 2025
The WAFA is a comprehensive medical training course designed for outdoor recreationalists or wilderness trip leaders who venture into moderately remote and challenging environments. The content is significantly more detailed than the Wilderness First Aid course, including emphasis on common critical body system problems and environmental topics.
Wilderness Advanced First Aid to Wilderness First Responder Bridge: 4 - 7 December 2025
The WAFA to WFR Bridge course upgrades the WAFA to a Wilderness First Responder (WFR) in 4 days. This course must be taken within 3 years of receiving the WMA International WAFA certification or an equivalent from another provider. The Wilderness First Responder program is the ideal medical training for leaders in remote areas including outdoor educators, guides, military, professional search and rescue teams, researchers, and those involved in disaster relief. The curriculum is comprehensive and practical. It includes the essential principles and skills required to assess and manage medical problems in isolated and extreme environments for days and weeks if necessary.
Open recertification: 9 - 11 December 2025
The three-day Open Recert course may be used as a WAFA or WFR recertification option for those with a current WMA International or other qualifying WAFA/WFR. This course must be taken within three years of receiving the Wilderness Medical Associates' WAFA or WFR certificate.
In the Outward Bound Belgium™ Center: Rue de la Molignée 104, 5537 Anhée
The Outward Bound Centre is located in the former "Chateau Varoy", an old manoir that has been fully renovated in 2020. The manoir is located in a 23ha domain surrounded by nature, with a forest, a river, a large pond, rocks, etc. The new Outward Bound Center offers 10 double and 2 triple bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms and includes a fully equipped kitchen (breakfast and lunch in self-service, dinner prepared by a caterer), classrooms, wifi and a lot of outdoor space.
All wilderness first aid courses in Belgium are residential and accommodation and meals are included in the price of the course.
Why choosing this course?
These first aid courses are distinctive from standard first aid courses in their emphasis on first aid skills in a non-urban context, where well-supplied medical help is not immediately available. Providing first aid in such a context is characterized by the following situations:
“Help” is far away or non-existent and thus the problem situation must be managed for an extended period of time. The care that would normally take place in the hospital will have to be partially provided by you, and you may need to transport the patient to the “help” rather than having the “help” come to you.
The environmental problems of heat, cold, wet and altitude can be additional complicating factors which are a reality of work/ outdoor pursuits/ travel in remote places.
As part of Wilderness Medical Associates International’s commitment to your medical rescue training, our instructors and management will consult your group’s needs and teach according to your group’s backgrounds, environments, and experience. Simulations and hands-on activities will be realistic and relevant. A lot of drills are waiting for you...
Who takes this kind of course?
The following organizations and individuals have already chosen to invest in this training: Into the Arctic, Arktos, Kariboe, Mamm’Out, Nature Outdoor Training and Education, the Outdoor Recreation Division of the American Army (Germany), Quest, Rocks and Rivers, Rongen Consult, as well as members of the Climbing and Mountaineering Federation (KBF), the Flemish Caving Union (VVS),...
Do I need prior first aid training to sign up for these courses?
The WAFA assumes no previous first aid knowledge. The Recert course, is only open to current holders of a Wilderness Advanced First Aid or a Wilderness First Responder certificate, the WAFA to WFR Bridge is only open to current holders of a Wilderness Advanced First Aid certificate.
Where can I find more info?
contact Sofie Coekaerts or Elodie Meulemans at the Outward Bound office
or check the WMA website: https://www.wmaeurope.com/